Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where Do I Go From Here?

Within four weeks my life has changed dramatically. I wrote little blurbs in a word document to keep up for my next blog post, but now it's a short novels length so I will quickly sum everything up.

An impeccably long list of recent life changing experiences.   
  1. I'm waiting in the lobby to take an exam and a pirate walks through the door. All decked out in Pirate gear, straight out of Pirates of the Caribbean. He winked at me and continued walking.
  2. I experienced my first tornado. It landed right in front of my apartment building. We get an alert text from my University telling us to seek shelter... and what do all the college students do? Run outside to gawk at the tornado forming above our heads. I landed in the field across from us. I had nightmares for a week.
  3.  Osama is "dead". According to news reports; my generations face of fear is gone for good. I put it in quotation marks for those who think he's being interrogated in some super secret United States underground bunker. 
  4. Run-In with Cops #1: I got yelled at by a cop. This is what happened: I stopped for a second to pick up a friend and got out to shuffle a few things in the back seat to make room. All of a sudden I hear "What do you think your doing?! You can't just park here like this! You better move this car or else! That's why we have loading zones! Use some common sense GEEZ!" I was scared. I jumped in my car, drove to a parking spot and cried. He freaking all out yelled at me. He didn't even give me a chance. I proceeded to call campus police and report him. : )
  5. Run-In with Cops #2: I went home for a little before graduation and went to my cousins dance recital. My mom decided to drive my grandmothers car. It was dark, the lights were supposed to be automatic. She keep saying..."are the lights on? Watch a cop pull me over! I can't see!" Grandma was in the passengers seat gripping the car going "Well that's not good!" My sister and I are in the back laughing our asses off and what  makes it better??? Flashing blue lights! Mom proceeds to say "told ya." The cop walks up, my sister and I are trying to suppress our uncontrollable laughter as mom explains the situation to the cop. "I didn't know where the lights are because it's not my car..." the cops says well lets turn those on before we get back on the road." He clicks them on for mom and then lets us go. The whole time we could see he was trying to suppress his laughter as well.
  6. Whew....... anyway.... my Dad also went on a white water rafting trip on class four rapids, fell out, got pulled under twice, scraped the crap out of his body and still survived. His many years of scouting, military and survival training had nothing to do with it (sarcasm). Thank God.
  7. I graduated. The ceremony was four hours and 1,000 people got their degree. I don't feel any more intelligent then I did in high school.Why didn't I go for psychology or English? My grandmother had a family party for me at her house that had catered food. All of which was delicious. I also am no longer a poor college student. I am a rich graduate. (I forgot people get money when they graduate.)
  8. I come home to find out my parents not only bought a new car, but my little brother has his license. Weird. 
  9. They also got rid of the satellite and phones. We now have internet TV which basically means all we have is netflix which only plays old movies and reruns of TV shows. ick. On a side note I watched the entire series of Dollhouse which I became quickly addicted to.
  10. I found out not an hour ago that a friend from high school (whom I rather envied for always being himself and not giving a fuck as to who judged him for it) passed away. I found out on the news feed of my facebook where I also found out he had been at a local underground club last night. I'm sad we didn't keep in touch after high school. Who knows? We may have had more in common then I thought. RIP M.S.
That is basically the timeline of the past few weeks. I have more to write about how my life is changing significantly and I can feel a change in my personality as well. I'll write about that in another post.





